Dessert Hut (People’s Park Centre)

By Kawayama / Photography: XF @xingnification

It was a weekday afternoon and we get to enjoy Chinese dessert at popular Dessert Hut at People’s Park Centre without having to fight with the crowd for a table. This Chinese dessert shop is always packed with people, especially on weekends, which explains why I never get to check out their desserts because I hate queueing.

As usual, I like to study the menu…

Mango Sago

XF had their famous mango sago and I had a mouthful of it…. wow, that egg pudding is really smooth! The mango puree wasn’t too sweet and compliment the taste of the pudding. Those colorful jelly beans enhance the dessert texture as it adds on the chewy factor. I will definitely order this dessert on my next visit.

Herbal Jelly with Honey

The weather was hot so I ordered their herbal jelly. What I like about this dessert is that the jelly is really smooth and refreshing to eat on a rather hot and humid day. Honey is served separately with the herbal jelly so you can add your desired amount of honey. I only drizzle a bit of honey on my jelly so that it does not overpower the flavor of the herbal jelly. Overall, it  is a delight to have this dessert.

SAFRA members can enjoy 10% discount on their desserts so do remember to flash your SAFRA card when placing your order. I will be back to try the other desserts… on another quiet weekday afternoon.

Dining Venue Featured:

Dessert Hut
#02-48/58 People’s Park Centre
Tel: 65331137

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